NZCH Puririknoll Wish U Were Here

NZCH Puririknoll Wish U Were Here



Luka is the youngest bitch in our current show team and is the product of our "Dark Side of the Moon" Litter.  She is s lovely moderate bitch within standard and a beautiful example of both of her parents.

Luka's show career was interrupted by Covid but once she was able to resume showing she  titled easliy often having to compete against her mother Evie.

Princess Luka (as her auntie Sue calls her) is exactly as the title suggests.  She is quite fond of the nicer things in life but does like nothing better than chasing her younger sibling Wolfe around the paddocks and is so agile that he often gives up chasing her. She has also perfected the art of the dog roll and makes sure that if Wolfe  gets too close she rolls him and runs off.

Luka is a very quiet and gentle girl but will let you know if there is someone or something  strange going on outside. She can and often does hunt rabbits sucessfully and enjoys nothing more than a couple of hours running through the bush.

Luka is very agile, fit and keeps us all on our toes.  She is a pleasure to have in the house and home office as she oversee's my work on the computer from her favourite chair. 

We are looking forward to her beginning her breeding journey in the next year or so.

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NZ Ch Puririknoll Wish U Were Here
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Contact Details

Debbie Johnston

MB - 0212071152

[email protected]